MATLAB: How to create the combination of zeros and ones matrix in matlab

combinationMATLABmatrixzero and one

I want to create N X n_C_k matrix using combination function C about 0, 1. The 'k' means the number of '1' and all other elements in matrix are '0'.
For example, if N=4 and k=2, the combination shows the results '1100','1010','1001','0110','0101','0011'. And I want to create the matrix like
A=[1 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 1]
How could i do?

Best Answer

Although I have the feeling this might be homework, I'm going to give a complete answer anyway. By a happy coincidence, this code happens to reproduce your column order.
C1=nchoosek(v,k);%find rows that should be 1
C2=repmat((1:size(C1,1))',1,size(C1,2));%find the column indices
out=accumarray([C1(:) C2(:)],ones(numel(C1),1));%fill a zero matrix
Or similarly, as Stephen suggested:
R = nchoosek(1:N,k);
C = ndgrid(1:size(R,1),1:size(R,2));
out = accumarray([R(:),C(:)],1);