MATLAB: How to create symbol function matrix in matlab

symbol function matrix

I need to solve a linear differential equations, such as diff(Y) = AY, Y(0) = Y0. Y \in R^n; So I need to generate a column of symbol function. I used the following code
n = 7;
syms t V;
A = sym('A', [n 1]);
U = symfun(A,[t]);
However, as the result shows, the size of U is 1 by 1. I don't know what is wrong and how I can make it work.
I will appreciate your help a lot. Best,

Best Answer

The solution to your differential equation (assuming a constant ‘A’) is:
Y = expm(A*t)
You will likely have significant problems with it in the Symbolic Math Toolbox. I would deal with it only numerically.