MATLAB: How to create speech waves with equal loudness in matlab

making speech waves with equal loudness

hi frnds i want matlab command or code for making speech waves with equal loudness in matlab i.e speech waves with same intensity and frequency.

Best Answer

I suggest you to use Microsoft Anna (Text to Speech) and save the sound in a *.wav file or *.mp3 file.
Then import the sound file to MATLAB.
To equalize the loudness you could try this options:
  • Use the soundsc command:
[y1,Fs1] = audioread('myRecord1.wav');
[y2,Fs2] = audioread('myRecord2.wav');
y1n = soundsc(y1,Fs1);
y2n = soundsc(y2,Fs2);
  • Use FFT to equalize the median dB:
Pxx1 = abs(fft(y1));
Pxx2 = abs(fft(y2));
dB1 = median(10*log10(Pxx1(1:(end/2)).^2));
dB2 = median(10*log10(Pxx2(1:(end/2)).^2));
dB = [dB1 dB2];
k = sqrt(10.^((max(dB)-dB)/10));
y1n = k(1)*y1;
y2n = k(2)*y2;