MATLAB: How to create Simulink models with tunable runtime Block Parameter


I would like to create a Simulink model with block parameters that can be changed during simulation run time. The parameters can be either in the Base or the Model workspace. How can I achieve this workflow? 

Best Answer

One possible way is to use the Simulink Dashboard blocks.
However, Dashboard blocks may not be ideal in all situations. For example, the parameters for the block might be coming from the output of another block. In these cases one can use the concepts of Events and Listeners along with block run time objects. 
The attached model changes the Upper Saturation value of the saturation block during run time. The value to change during run time is specified in model workspace as variable 'x'. Run the model, and change the value of 'x' to see the output change for different values of 'x'. See the function changeParam.m to see the implementation of events and listeners to change the parameter.