MATLAB: How to create RGB image with 3 bands from hyperspectral image

3d matrixhyperspectralimage acquisitionimage processingImage Processing Toolboxmultispectralrgb

Hi, I have a Hyperion EO-1 satellite image and i want to create an RGB band with band numbers (40,31,13) as (R,G,B). The hyperion image has 242 bands. But I'm having trouble opening the L1R file properly.
I am using Matlab 2011, and 2014 hyperion image. I load the image with hdfinfo and hdfread commands like this;
fileinfo = hdfinfo('EO1H1930282003203110PY.L1R');
sds_info = fileinfo.SDS(1);
But this loads a matrix [3128,242,256] , although it should be [3128,256,242] how can i fix this?
After loading the image as 3D matrix i try to create the RGB image with selecte 3 bands as shown below it creates [3128,3,256] matrix but I cant use imwrite, imshow or any other displaying functions on it.
imrgb [:,1,:] = imhdf [:,40,:];
imrgb [:,2,:] = imhdf [:,31,:];
imrgb [:,3,:] = imhdf [:,13,:];
Error using image
Error using image
Indexed CData must be size [MxN], TrueColor CData must be
size [MxNx3]
Please answer, thank you.

Best Answer

You could use the Scyllarus hyperspectral image processing toolbox. The MATLAB version of this toolbox is available for non-commercial use and can be downloaded from
To load and save multispectral images (consisting of pairs of .hdr and .fla files), the functions to look at are FLARead and FLAWrite under src/io. With these functions you can read from and write to the .fla format (ENVI-compatible), rather than any colour image format. Alternatively you can save the image to a .mat file but this option usually produces a much larger image.
To convert a hyperspectral image to RGB, you could use the function recover_RGBImage.m under /src/shared. There are examples in that .m file.
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