MATLAB: How to create reset button GUI

matlab gui

I need a create reset button in gui . if click reset button will clear all value in program but I don't know function reset
Help me Please .

Best Answer

set( findall(0, '-property', 'String'), 'String', {''});
arrayfun(@(H) set(H, 'Value', get(H, 'Min')), findall(0, '-property', 'Value', '-and', '-property', 'Min'));
You might perhaps be surprised at the effect that this has on uicontrol objects: for example, the content of all pop-up menus will disappear. As far as MATLAB is concerned, pop-up menus and listbox contents and pushbutton labels are "values", so they would be affected when you "clear all value in program". You could be more selective in what is cleared, but then it would not be all values.