MATLAB: How to create random number of 64 bit length like this for example’B8​FF5AF858E2​746937204F​B9C8B102D7​ECC50A60B4​BA3944AC7A​9F3C2DD4C4​EF’

how to create random number of 64 bit length like this for example'b8ff5af858e2746937204fb9c8b102d7ecc50a60b4ba3944ac7a9f3c2dd4c4ef'

how to create random number of 64 bit length like this for example'B8FF5AF858E2746937204FB9C8B102D7ECC50A60B4BA3944AC7A9F3C2DD4C4EF'

Best Answer

That number is not 64-bit long. It is 64 hexadecimal characters long, which would be 64*8 = 512 bits!
To create a 64-character random string:
characters = ['0':'9', 'A':'F']; %list of characters allowed in the string
randstring = characters(randi(numel(characters), 1, 64))
Note that it is not possible to store a 512-bit number in base matlab other than as a string.
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