MATLAB: How to create multiple conditions for invalid inputs

while loop

Hey everyone, I'm currently building a unit converter program for an assignment and I'm struggling to create a loop that repeats a certain message if certain conditions are not met. For example if I were to leave x blank and spam enter it would repeat the message which is want I want. However if I were to enter a value that is below 0 or above 10 , and then leave x blank and press enter, I would get an error(red line), in this instance I would like my code to reapeat the isempty(x) loop. How would I achieve this?
Thanks in advance
x=input(' enter a number from the selection above: ');
while isempty(x)
disp('You are required to enter a number from the options above!')
x=input(' enter a number from the selection above: ');
while(x<=0 || x>=10)
disp('The number must be between 1 and 9, you have enterd a value oustide the limit')
x=input(' enter a number from the selection above: ');

Best Answer

while ~isscalar(x) || x <= 0 || x >= 10