MATLAB: How to create discrete transfer functions in Simulink


I have created a control system with PID controller in continuous domain. Now I want to discretise the whole model ( controller + plant ). I brought the controller in the discrete domain first and did multi domain simulation. I got the result, which I required. Now, I want to bring the plant in discrete domain.
My plant is a simple PT-1 element with a delay time of 10 micro seconds.
G(s) = K* e^(-sT_t)/(s+a) , where T_t is the delay time.
I want to ask how can I create this transfer function in Discrete Transfer function block? ( For simplicity it is possible to neglect delay time )
In discrete domain, after neglecting the delay time:
G(z) : k* z / (z – e^-a*T) , T is the sampling time
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You want to create discrete transfer functions in Simulink for above G(z), right?
You can create it in Simulink using Discrete Transfer Fcn Simulink block.
Kindly check the attached block.
Abdulmanan Butt