MATLAB: How to create dialog boxes to select the file and display output


Hello all, I am trying to create a standalone application which opens dialog boxes to select the values and displays output. when I am trying to create dialog boxes using the following code, I am getting errors.
function trial8
prompt1={'Enter input file name (without extension [.mat]): '};
fname1 = inputdlg(prompt1); prompt2=('choose spanning window 9 or 11 (without extension [.mat]):');
[row,col] = size(NUM);
I want the dialog box to ask for the file selction and display the corresponding output. Can anyone please help me out. Regards,

Best Answer

You got the line wrong
You ask the user for the name of the file so you should use that input
[NUM,TXT,RAW]=xlsread([char(fname1) '.csv'])