MATLAB: How to create date variable or column


Dear All, I have numeric matrix of 3 columns and 100 rows, the 1st column is A and represents day number from 1 to 30, the 2nd column is B and represents month number from 1 to 12, the 3rd one is the year, how can I please create 4th column for the date in the format mm/dd/year? by combining the 3 columns. And then add this column with this format to the matrix as a 4th column. thank you

Best Answer

Your data have a two-digit year. Assuming ‘10’ means ‘2010’, try this:
D = xlsread('data.xlsx');
Col4 = datetime(fliplr(D)+[2000 0 0], 'Format','MM/dd/yyyy');
Col4 =
22×1 datetime array
. . .
Using a table:
Tbl = table(D(:,1),D(:,2),D(:,3),Col4, 'VariableNames',{'Day','Month','Year','All'})
Tbl =
22×4 table
Day Month Year All
___ _____ ____ __________
1 1 10 01/01/2010
1 1 10 01/01/2010
1 1 10 01/01/2010
1 1 10 01/01/2010
. . .