MATLAB: How to create database of 320 images in matlab? for signature verification system how to extract surf features and how to store them

is this right code for feature extractionMATLAB

I = imread('C:\Users\LENOVO\Desktop\MATLAB\Database2\Preprocessed\forged\1\1.1.png');
%Find and extract features.
points = detectSURFFeatures(I);
[~, valid_points] = extractFeatures(I, points);
%Display and plot ten strongest SURF features.
figure; imshow(I); hold on;

Best Answer

files = dir('*.png')
N = lenght(Files) ;
for i = 1:N
I = imread(files(i).name)
%Find and extract features.
% points = detectSURFFeatures(I);
% [~, valid_points] = extractFeatures(I, points);
%Display and plot ten strongest SURF features.
% figure; imshow(I); hold on;
% plot(valid_points.selectStrongest(100),'showOrientation',true);