MATLAB: How to create contextual help information for MATLAB Functions deployed as Excel Add-Ins

definedexcelfunctionsMATLAB Compileruservba

How can I create contextual help information for MATLAB functions deployed as Excel Add Ins?
Excel provides tool-tips for function parameters for built-in functions:
Excel also provides a description of built-in functions while auto-completing:
How can I create this functionality for my MATLAB functions I deploy to Excel?

Best Answer

As of Excel 2016, it is not possible for User-Defined Functions (UDFs) to have the same kind of contextual help that built-in functions do. User Defined Functions are functions written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) which can be used as part of a formula for a cell.
From Excel's perspective the functions provided by a MATLAB-created Excel Add-In are just like any other User-Defined Function, so there is not any special way to achieve this functionality through an Add-In.