MATLAB: How to create categorical array from integer array

categorical array

I would appreciate some help on the following:
I would like to create a categorical array from an integer array. When I use the sample code from the documentation center:
A = gallery('integerdata',3,[2,3],3);
valueset = 1:3;
catnames = {'car' 'bus' 'bike'};
B = categorical(A,valueset,catnames);
I get the following error message: Error using categorical Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. Class 'categorical' defines abstract methods and/or properties.
What does this error message mean? and how can it be resolved? Thanks!

Best Answer

Which version of MATLAB are you running? I do not have any problem executing that code on R2014a or R2013b.
If you enter
which -all categorical
what is returned? The only entry should end in: