MATLAB: How to create and add image (logo) to an about window created by GUIDE


I have a main GUI, In a menu bar in main GUI i have an option "About", When user clicks on "About" I want a new GUI (window) to open with developer name and company logo (jpeg file). What is the best possible way to solve this issue.
I tried creating 2nd GUI and added static text box (for Developer name) and axes for images. I used open('About.fig') in about_callback in main GUI. I cannot get image (logo) to appear in About GUI. In About_OpeningFcn i have axes(handles.axes1); imshow('image1.jpg'); axes(handles.axes2); imshow('image2.jpg');
Logo appears when I run ABout GUI from matlab but when i call from main GUI logo does not appear?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

In the "About" menu callback, just do this:
Do not do open().