MATLAB: How to create an ROC plot from the set of cross-validation models using Statistics Toolbox 7.5 (R2011a)

curvenaivebayesrocStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I am using the CROSSVAL command to validate the performance of 'NaiveBayes' model for my data. I am computing the metrics, misclassification rate and confusion matrix using stratified 10-fold cross-validation to analyze the performance of the classifier. I intend to create an ROC curve from the validation results. Is there any way to create ROC plot from the cross-validation results of my model using Statistics Toolbox 7.5 (R2011a)?

Best Answer

In order to plot ROC curve, the decision boundary should be a value of the posterior probabilities that you compute using ‘NaiveBayes’. You can plot ROC curves using PERFCURVE, which computes the ROC curve for a vector of classifier predictions, given the true class. More details about PERFCURVE are available via the following link:
Here is a small example of how to plot an ROC curve without cross-validation:
load fisheriris
x = meas(51:end,1:2);
y = species(51:end);
nb =,y);
p = posterior(nb,x);
[X,Y] = perfcurve(y,p(:,1),'versicolor');
xlabel('False positive rate'); ylabel('True positive rate')
title('ROC for classification by naïve Bayes')
To use 10-fold cross-validation, you can fit the model on 90% of the data, and compute predicted posteriors for the remaining 10% of data which was not used for fitting. You can then loop over each of the 10 subsets to plot the ROC curves for individual runs.