MATLAB: How to create an index that keep tracking the hours in the data

for loop

Is anyone helping me with a simple code ???
In the code below I want to find the peak load and average peak price in peak hour from 7-10 and then do it the same for each peak hours (11-15, 16-21 and 23-6am. I write the code below but I couldn't figure out how to calculate the peak load and average peak price for each peak with the same code
p1= 7 <= h & h < 10
Index1=(7:24:N)'; ss1=10-1
N1=length( Index1);
for k=1:N1
kk=Index1(k); kkk=kk+ss1-1;
dd=sum(d(kk:kkk));pp=sum(p(kk:kkk).*d(kk:kkk)); pp=pp/dd;
Data1(k,:)=[pp dd];

Best Answer

Here's how I'd do it:
%twomonth: a Nx3 matrix, whose first column is hour, 2nd is price, 3rd is demand
bin = discretize(mod(twomonth(:, 1)-7, 24), [7, 11, 16, 22, 23, Inf]-7); %offset bin edges by 7 in order to put the 23-6 in the same bin (5)
%bin == 1 is [7-11), bin == 2 is [11-16), bin == 3 is [16-22), bin == 4 is [22], bin == 5 is [23-6]
avgprice = splitapply(@mean, twomonth(:, 2), bin);
peakdemand = splitapply(@max, twomonth(:, 3), bin);
result = table({'7-10'; '11-15'; '16-21'; '22'; '23-6'}, avgprice, peakdemand, 'VariableNames', {'period', 'avgprice', 'peakdemand'})
I've included the lone 22 in the result, you can always remove row 4 if you don't want it.
You have to do a little bit of arithmetic as discretize can't give you the same bin number for the start and end of a range, but once you've got your bin numbers it's trivial to calculate your mean and peak with splitapply.