MATLAB: How to create an ideal transformer in SimPowerSystems

blocksetpowersimpowersystemSimscape Electricalsystems

The documentation for the Linear Transformer block states that:
To implement an ideal transformer model,
set the winding resistances and inductances
to 0, and the magnetization resistance
and inductance to inf.
I try to create an ideal transformer in the demo model psbtransfo.mdl. However, if I set the parameters accordingly and run the model, I get the following error dialog box:
Error in block 'Linear Transformer 75kVA 14400-120-120V,
Parameter 'Rm' must have a finite value
and the following Simulink error:
Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of Voltage Measurement block (mask) 'PQ'. Error using ==> d:/matlab6p5/toolbox/powersys/powersys/private/blocinit (errorInf)
Parameter error

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is an error in documentation in SimPowerSystems 2.3 (R13).
The documentation should read as follows:
To implement a quasi-ideal transformer model,
set the winding resistances and inductances to 0,
and the magnetization inductance Lm to inf.
The Rm value must have a finite value.
Use a large value such as 1e4.