MATLAB: How to create an empty array in C and fill it in Matlab


This is the problem:
I have a C code that creates an array nRows x 2, called InitialArray filled with random numbers. Then I split that array into two parts, that is the first column is called xProcess and the second column of the array is yProcess. The goal is to pass these variables I created (xProcessand yProcess) to Matlab and there a Matlab function based on probabilities rules will put NaN in some of the elements of xProcess and yProcess, and will fill empty arrays called xC and yCwith the values of xProcess and yProcess before turning to NaN. Finally, the C code gets all four arrays back again, perform some operations on them and send them again to Matlab. This process is repeated for a number of time steps.
Here is a piece of the code:
int main ( void ){
Engine *ep;
if (!(ep = engOpen(""))) {
(stderr, "\nCan't start MATLAB engine\n");
mxArray *xProcess = NULL;
mxArray *yProcess = NULL;
mxArray *xC = NULL;
mxArray *yC = NULL;
int timeStep;
int numberProcess = 4e6;
int numberC = 0;
/*So far I created the mxArray, and the number of random numbers that will be stored in xProcessand yProcess. Now comes the loop.*/
for (timeStep=0 ; timeStep<numberTimeSteps ; timeStep++){
double *arrayTempxProcess;
arrayTempxProcess = (double *)calloc(numberProcess, sizeof(double));
double *arrayTempyProcess;
arrayTempyProcess = (double *)calloc(numberProcess, sizeof(double));
double *arrayTempxC;
arrayTempxC = (double *)calloc(numberC, sizeof(double));
double *arrayTempyC;
arrayTempyC = (double *)calloc(numberC, sizeof(double));
xProcess = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberProcess, 1, mxREAL);
yProcess = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberProcess, 1, mxREAL);
xC = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberC, 1, mxREAL);
yC = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberC, 1, mxREAL);
memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(yProcess), (void *)arrayTempyProcess, numberProcess*sizeof(double));
memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(xProcess), (void *)arrayTempxProcess, numberProcess*sizeof(double));
As you see xC and yC I create them as empty. I believe this is equivalent to xC = [] and yC = [] in Matlab. And the arrayTempyProcess and arrayTempxProcess are temporal arrays that each of them gets a column of InitialArray.
memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(yC), (void *)arrayTempyC,(numberC)*sizeof(double));
memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(xC), (void *)arrayTempxC, (numberC)*sizeof(double));
/*Now I send them to Matlab*/
engPutVariable(ep, "xProcess", xProcess);
engPutVariable(ep, "yProcess", yProcess);
engPutVariable(ep, "xC", xC);
engPutVariable(ep, "yC", yC);
Now the Matlab function puts NaN in xProcess and yProcess, and fills xC and yC.
printf("Entering MATLAB \n");
(ep, "[xProcess,yProcess,xC, yC] = my_matlab_function(xProcess,yProcess,xC, yC);");
("Leaving MATLAB \n");
Now comes trouble… Now I am trying to get the results… but the function mxGetM(xC) produces a segmentation fault in the first time step that I don't understand.
xC = engGetVariable(ep,"xC");
int mRowsC = mxGetM(xC);
double *XC = NULL;
XC = (double *)malloc (mRowsC*sizeof(double) );
memcpy(XC, mxGetData(xC),mRowsC*sizeof(double));
yC = engGetVariable(ep,"yC");
double *YC = NULL;
YC = (double *)malloc (mmy*sizeof(double) );
memcpy(YC, mxGetData(yC),mmy*sizeof(double));
xProcess = engGetVariable(ep,"xProcess");
int mRowsProcess = mxGetM(xProcess);
double *XPROCESS = NULL;
XPROCESS = (double *)malloc (mRowsProcess*sizeof(double) );
memcpy(XPROCESS, mxGetData(xPROCESS),mRowsProcess*sizeof(double));
yProcess = engGetVariable(ep,"yProcess");
double *YPROCESS = NULL;
YPROCESS = (double *)malloc (mRowsProcess*sizeof(double) );
memcpy(YPROCESS, mxGetData(yProcess),mRowsProcess*sizeof(double));
numberC = mRowsC;
I have tried to reduce the number of elements in xProcess and yProcess but I get the segmentation fault at some point later than the first time step. The weird thing about this, is that I also tried to save the results in Matlab after printf("Leaving MATLAB \n"); but it didn't work out. It saved nothing.
I'm new coupling C and Matlab, so my code might be entirely wrong, but what is the proper way to create arrays in C and fill them in Matlab? Is there any limits in which C cannot be coupled with Matlab functions?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

You first need to fix your memory leaks, and then also check the return pointer from engGetVariable. Maybe you are just running out of memory because of the memory leaks. E.g.,
xProcess = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberProcess, 1, mxREAL);
yProcess = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberProcess, 1, mxREAL);
xC = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberC, 1, mxREAL);
yC = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numberC, 1, mxREAL);
xC = engGetVariable(ep,"xC"); <-- leaks the xC from above
yC = engGetVariable(ep,"yC"); <-- leaks the yC from above
xProcess = engGetVariable(ep,"xProcess"); <-- leaks the xProcess from above
yProcess = engGetVariable(ep,"yProcess"); <-- leaks the yProcess from above
You need to put in some mxDestroyArray(xC) etc between the first group of lines above and the engGetVariable( ) lines below.
Also, check the return value of engGetVariable( ) for NULL. E.g.,
xC = engGetVariable(ep,"xC");
if( xC == NULL ) {
/* Put code here to handle error */
Frankly, you should also be checking the return values of every malloc and calloc call.
Also I would note that you have a lot of data copying going on in your code. Can you simply work with the pointers returned from mxGetPr( ) directly instead of copying the data back & forth via memcpy each time? E.g., instead of this:
double *XC = NULL;
XC = (double *)malloc (mRowsC*sizeof(double) );
memcpy(XC, mxGetData(xC),mRowsC*sizeof(double));
why can't you just do this:
double *XC = mxGetPr(xC);
As a side note, you don't need those (void *) casts in your mcmcpy arguments ... you always get those conversions automatically from the compiler.