MATLAB: How to create a vector of elements with a number of row equal to a number


Hello everyone,
I am trying to create a vector "A" 521×1 that have the last 20 rows equal to the last row of a vector "B" 26×1 and, furthermore, the rows from 501 to 482 equal to the row 25 of the vector "B". Continuosly, the rows of "A" from 481 to 462 equal to row 24 of vector "B" and then rows of "A" from 461 to 442 equal to row 23 of vector "B" and so on until the end of the vectors. At the end, I expect to obtain a vector "C" 521×1 with equal rows every 20 rows.
Could someone help me?
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Honestly I am not able to get you but perhaps you just want:
C = repelem(B,20)