MATLAB: How to create a two columns cell array from two different cells

cellcell array

Hi all,
I've got two 781×1 cells.
for k=1:1:781
The second one contains 781 vectors of different lengths made of different combinations of numbers from 1 to 24.
The vectors Ratt are generated by a function.
I'd like to join them into a 781×2 cell array so I could read numbers from 1 to 781 in the first column and all the vectors in the second one, like this:
1 [1, 2, 5, 7, 8]
2 [3, 11, 15]
Is it possible?

Best Answer

k = 1 : numel(vectors);
Wanted = [num2cell(k(:)), num2cell(vectors(:), 2)]