MATLAB: How to create a time series with this data

time series

I am struggling when creating a time series in matlab with the function timeseries(data,time), I have my data as follows
data = [1 2 3 4]
I have parsed the time with the function _datetime() when that data happened as followed
orgTime = ['2017-06-06T14:03:33.075441Z','2017-06-06T14:04:14.430077Z','2017-06-06T14:05:01.071987Z']
t = datetime(orgTime ,'InputFormat','uuuu-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss.SS''Z','TimeZone','UTC')
t =
4×1 datetime array
06-Jun-2017 14:03:33
06-Jun-2017 14:04:14
06-Jun-2017 14:05:01
06-Jun-2017 14:05:41
Now I would like to create the time series with that data, but I get the error
timeSeriesS1 = timeseries(data',t)
Error using timeseries/init (line 221)
The second argument must be either the time vector or the time series name.
Error in timeseries (line 324)
this = init(this,varargin{:});
What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

I have figured it out, apparently it was that the format was not correct in my time vector, this makes it work
t = datestr (datetime(time,'InputFormat','uuuu-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss.SS''Z','TimeZone','UTC'),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS')