MATLAB: How to create a smooth curve through data points

curveplotsmooth line

I have a basic plot as follows. x = [0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0]; y = [0 0.155 0.240 0.328 0.450 0.582 0.692];
plot(x,y,'x','MarkerEdgeColor','black') grid on; xlabel('Protein standard concentration (µg/µl)'); ylabel('Average absorbance value');
Now I want a smooth curve to go through the data points. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

A linear fit is probably appropriate, unless you have a specific equation you want to fit to it:
x = [0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0];
y = [0 0.155 0.240 0.328 0.450 0.582 0.692];
p = polyfit(x, y, 1);
v = polyval(p, x);
hold on
plot(x, v)
hold off
grid on;
xlabel('Protein standard concentration (µg/µl)');