MATLAB: How to create a simulink parameter that bind to simulink model


Hello, Now I am learning the Simulink example model rtwdemo_rsim_vdp. I found that when I opened this model in Matlab command window, three variables "INIT_X1","INIT_X2","MU" appeared in workspace. Now I want to add a parameter named "Test_X1" that can also appears in workspace when I open the model, how to create it?

Best Answer

You can do it via PreLoadFcn of the model (Go to File->Model Properties->Model Properties)
Please also note, in the CloseFcn of the model, they are clearing these variables.
Hint: PreLoadFcn is a model callback that is automatically run when the model is loaded.
CloseFcn automatically runs when you close the model. The model has many such callback functions.
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