MATLAB: How to create a Review Scope report with pass/failed values using Polyspace

Polyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Bug Finder ServerPolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

How do I create a report with pass/failed values after configuring a Review Scope?

Best Answer

Actually that's not possible to generate a pass/failed report using a template report.
To have both Pass (Green) and Failed (Red) you can execute the following:
  1. Select your Review scope in the 'Results List' window. For instance a Reviw Scope that only applies threshold on Code Metric values.
  2. Export a complete Results list: Use menu 'Reporting>Export>Export All Results...'
  3. Open the file Results_list.txt, a tab delimited text generated, in Excel for instance, and then Filter on 'Code Metric' in the 'Family' Column. Then, again, filter on the Red/Green in the 'Color' column. It allows to display all Pass and Failed code metrics. Note that Code Metric values have been put in 'Information' column.
Benefits: you have your pass/failed information for each metric
Drawback: there is no formatting (raw format).