MATLAB: How to create a plot without displaying it


I want to return a plot object to perform further work on it, so I am using "plot" with a return argument:
>> myPlot = plot( rand(5) );
However, this command also opens a figure with an axes and the plot is displayed inside the axes.
I would rather not open a figure or display the plot just yet.
How do I create a plot without displaying it?

Best Answer

To return a graphic object without displaying it on screen, you can put it in a non-visible figure. For example:
>> myGhostFigure = figure("Visible",false)
>> myOrdinaryPlot = plot(rand(5))
The same concept applies to other graphic objects. For example:
>> myGhostFigure = figure("Visible",false)
>> myOrdinaryHistogram = histogram(rand(1000,1), 20)
If eventually you want to display the plot, you can simply make the figure visible:
>> myGhostFigure.Visible = true