MATLAB: How to create a plot with subplots in a loop


Hi everyone,
I am trying to create a plot with subplots within a loop. The code so far is:
x = randn(100,13);
D = 1966
dis = 3
[T N] = size(x);
for i = 1 : N
VARNAMES{i} = i;
time = datetime(D,1:T,1);
for k = 1:N
subplot (ceil(N/dis),dis,k)
filename = plot( time' , x(:, k ) );
xlim(datenum([min(time) max(time)]))
title ( VARNAMES(k));
hold on
But I get an Error message ''Error using xlim (line 31)
Limits must be a 2-element vector of increasing datetime values.''
Could you please point out where is the mistake?

Best Answer

gsourop - why the conversion at
datenum([min(time) max(time)])
since time should already be an array of datenum types? You may just need to do
xlim([min(time) max(time)])
so that you pass a two-element vector of increasing values.
Also, you should rename your time array so that it doesn't conflict with the built-in MATLAB function of the same name (see time for details).