MATLAB: How to create a pivot table


I have a table
date person spendings
1/1/2020 John $100
1/1/2020 Mike $50
1/2/2020 John $75
1/3/2020 Mike $40
I want to create a pivot table
John Spendings Mike Spendings
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
Please advise.

Best Answer

I think the unstack function might help you out. I have written a small example using your data:
month = categorical({'Jan';'Jan';'Feb';'March'});
person = categorical({'John';'Mike';'John';'Mike'});
spendings = [100;50;75;40];
T = table(month,person,spendings)
u = unstack(T,'spendings','person')
I think you can customise it according to your needs.
Hope this helps!