MATLAB: How To Create A Persistence Plot


I have quite a large data set that I want to visulaise by overlaying all the traces on one plot, with the traces only using one colour & the opacity/brightness of the resulting trace determined by how many instances of a particular value occur at each point – the only thing I can think to compare it to would be persistence on an old school oscilloscope.
Can someone point me to the correct plot type to achieve this or help me out with some code?

Best Answer

Perhaps something like this:
x = linspace(0, 10, 250); % Create Data

y = randn(10,1) .* sin(2*pi*x + randn(10,1)); % Create Data
plot(x, y) % Original Waveforms
colMin = min(y);
colMax = max(y);
colMean = mean(y);
plot(x, colMean) % Data Mean
hold on
patch([x fliplr(x)], [colMin fliplr(colMax)], 'b', 'FaceAlpha',0.2, 'EdgeColor','none') % Shaded Range
hold off
This can likely be changed to show other results.