MATLAB: How to create a mex file with cpp file + lib

cMATLABMATLAB Compilermexsimulink

With Matlab 2016b I've generate mex file like this (with vs2013 & vs2019 compilers ) :
mex ('-v','-I/../include', 'test.cpp', '-l../lib/test.lib' , '-l../lib/test2.lib')
It works fine, when i want to use the mex file with Simulink.
But, when i want to use it in the same way with Matlab R2019b, it doesn't work.
The link between Simulink and the mex file (only those which have been generated with cpp file) doesn't work.
How can i create a mex file with cpp file for Matlab R2019?
Best regards

Best Answer

I just started using mex files myself and this file was super helpful. Also just to be on a safe side you may want to check compiler compatibility. But the first link should do it for you. You need the .def file for it to work. Hope this helps.