MATLAB: How to create a matrix surrounding the center element

MATLABmatrixmatrix manipulation

I want to create a matrix (n by n, n being odd) that has its central element fixed, and its surrounding elements increasing/decreasing by some constant value. For example:
where my center element is 0 and the surrounding elements are decrementing by 0.1. I am pretty much blank from where to start exactly. Your time and help is highly appreciated.

Best Answer

n = 5;
A = zeros(n);
[r,c] = find(A==0);
sub = [r,c]-(n+1)/2;
for i = 1:(n-1)/2
ind = find((sub(:,1)==-i&sub(:,2)>=-i&sub(:,2)<=i)|(sub(:,1)==i&sub(:,2)>=-i&sub(:,2)<=i)|(sub(:,2)==-i&sub(:,1)>=-i&sub(:,1)<=i)|(sub(:,2)==i&sub(:,1)>=-i&sub(:,1)<=i));
A(ind) = -0.1*i;
Let me know if you have doubts !