MATLAB: How to create a matrix from a vector using specified values

loopsmatrix manipulation

I have a column of hip angle data from a treadmill walking trial (roughly 1 min) with a length of 12113 elements. I have identified heel strikes in a separate vector of data that has a length of 55 elements (55 heel strikes). I want to create a matrix where each column is hip angle data between successive elements of the heel strike vector (each column represents one stride). I have tried for loops and while loops, but nothing has worked.
I was able to create a single column of data representing one stride (using the commands below), but I need to get all 54 strides into a matrix. Do any of you have suggestions to how I can create the matrix?
i = 1;
LHIP(:,1) = LHIP_Angles(LHEE_Strikes(i):LHEE_Strikes(i+1));
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

John - since it is unlikely that each stride has the same number of hip angles, you may want to use a cell array to store the data. Try the following
LHIP = cell(1,length(LHEE_Strikes)-1);
for k=1:length(LHEE_Strikes)-1
LHIP{k} = LHIP_Angles(LHEE_Strikes(k):LHEE_Strikes(k+1));