MATLAB: How to create a matrix composed of some data in another matrix


I am new in Matlab and I would like to know if it is possible to create a matrix composed of some data in another matrix?
I would like to collect in this new matrix data with a first data being in the cell located on line 5 then the following data is 4 lines below the first data (n + 4) and the third data is also 4 lines below the second data etc.
[1] 12yab1
[2] 23yab4
[3] 21yab2
[4] 16yab3
[5] 8yab6
[6] 13yab5
[7] 36yab8
[8] 9yab19
[9] 30yab23
[10] 48yab35
[x] 7yab44
is there a fonction to get this kind of thing?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Best Answer

" this new matrix data with a first data being in the cell located on line 5 then the following data is 4 lines below the first data..."
Read the "Getting Started" documentation and examples on addressing modes -- the time spent will be more than amply paid back in getting started (so to speak :) ) more quickly.