MATLAB: How to create a matlab function using polyder that not only gives the coefficients but also gives the equation

loopsMATLABmatlab functionpolyder

My code so far (doesnt work):
function derivativecoefficient = derivpolycalc()
a = input('Enter the coefficent of the polynomial')
x == x
n = input('Enter the power of each x')
derivativecoefficient = polyder(a)
derivative = derivativecoefficient*x^(n - 1)
If i just do it where it shows the coeeficents, I could simply do:
function derivativecoefficient = derivpolycalc()
a = input('Enter the coefficent of the polynomial')
derivativecoefficient = polyder(a)
>> derivpolycalc
Enter the coefficent of the polynomial[3,2,5]
a =
3 2 5
derivativecoefficient =
6 2
ans =
6 2
BUT I want a code that will display
or maybe it could display
depending on what the original function was.

Best Answer

I think you need here the function poly2sym:
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