MATLAB: How to create a mat file

.mat fileMATLAB

can we enter images, characters and numbers in one matfile??… if yes can u please show how to create a matfile for the below data
1 image1.jpg, 1.23, 5.26, fruit
2 image2.jpg, 4.56, 7.25, vegetable
3 image3.jpg, 1.34, 6.77, fruit
4 image4.jpg, 1.96, 6.88, fruit
5 image5.jpg, 7.23, 2.33, vegetable
and so on…
image1.jpg… are the names of the images… next two column values are features extracted… and the last column is the text what that image is….
after creating this matfile when i select image2.jpg using imread i wanted it to get displayed that "it is a fruit"….
please do reply….

Best Answer

When the user selects an image file, you need to do feature extraction on that image file in the same way as it was done on the sample images, and then you need to match the features to those stored to find the closest match.
The questions then become (1) how much weight to give to the distance between the test features and the ideal features; and (2) how far away from the ideal features should be allowed before the program says "I don't know".
Unless, that is, the intention is to be able to input images of fruits or vegetables that the program was not given specific information about, and the program is required to estimate whether "fruit" or "vegetable" is more likely ?
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