MATLAB: How to create a logarithmic colorscale on a scatter3 colorbar in version 2016a


x = [4e7, 5e11, 9e17];
y = [5e8, 4e11, 8e17];
z = [3e8, 6e11, 7e17];
average = (x+y+z)/3;
markersize = 99;
C = average;
color = C(:); %Vary color by value of average
set(gca,'ColorScale','log') %%%%%%This is where the problem lies
caxis([min(x),max(x)]); %set value range of colorbar
I've learned the set(gca,'ColorScale','log') will not work in 2016a; error: There is no ColorScale property on the Axes class. Is there any simple way of dictating the colorbar to be logarithmic? Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

In R2016a, you can
cb = colorbar;
cb.DataSpace.YScale = 'log';
However, this will be ignored and it will retain linear.
... and that is the only control you have in R2016a, other than creating your own color bar similar to the way it was done in HG1: create an axes and draw an image (or patch) in it.