MATLAB: How to create a legend from a cell array

cell arrayslegendMATLAB and Simulink Student Suiteplotting

Hi, I have C that is a 3×1 cell array in which there is one number per cell. I have plotted 5 different curves and I would like to use those numbers as a text in a legend for the first 3 curves. I have written the following code but there are my three numbers referred only to the first graph
legend(mat2str(p,2),'real data','real data 2' ,'Location','southeast')

Best Answer

How's this work for you?
C = {1;2;3};
p = cellfun(@(x){num2str(x)},C)
legend(p{:},'real data','real data 2' ,'Location','southeast')
200109 113308-Figure 1.png