MATLAB: How to create a GRID uicontrol in GUIDE within MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a)


I would like to have a GRID control (like a simplified spreadsheet) in GUIDE similar to the one that is present in MINITAB software.

Best Answer

The ability to create a spreadsheet-style is available in MATLAB 7.6 (R2008a) with the adition of the UITABLE uicontrol. You may use UITABLE in conjunction with an axis to create a table and graph within a GUI. Please see the documentation for UITABLE by executing the command:
doc uitable
at the MATLAB command line.
In earlier versions of MATLAB, you may be able to adapt the "graph_and_table" example from the MATLAB Central File Exchange to suit your needs. You can locate this file by navigating to the MATLAB Central File Exchange at:
and searching for graph_and_table or 3477