MATLAB: How to create a for loop inside another for loop for a geometric series

for loop

I have the following code so far:

%Amy Wallace, 19/02/2014
%Variable dictionary
%N Number of terms to sum
%alpha Sum of geometric series
%x vector of constants
%n Loop counter
N = input('Enter the number of terms to sum: ');
alpha = 0;
x = [0.9 0.99 0.999 0.9999 0.99999 0.999999 0.9999999];
for n = 0:N-1
alpha = alpha + (x.^(n));
format long
This allows the user when the script is ran in the command window to enter one term of N to sum. I was wondering, if by using nested looping I could possibly use multiple N terms to sum at the one time? I have already tried calling N as a string with no luck. Thanks

Best Answer

Amy, check out
Nin = inputdlg('Enter space-separated numbers:', 'N vector', [1 50]);
N = str2num(Nin{:});
x = [0.9 0.99 0.999 0.9999 0.99999 0.999999 0.9999999];
alpha = zeros(length(N), length(x));
for ii = 1:length(N)
for n = 0:N(ii)-1
alpha(ii,:) = alpha(ii,:) + (x.^(n));