MATLAB: How to create a for loop in function with a step size as input

for loopfunctionstep size

My current function is:
. .
x is supposely to run from 765 to 805 with myself individually keying in the step size
X Eg. 765 -> 770 -> 775 -> 780 …. (step size: 5)
765 -> 767 -> 769 -> 771 .... (step size:2)
765 -> 765.1 -> 765.2 -> 765.3 (step size:0.1)
is repetitive procedure.
So Im thinking of changing X as the input of step size and 765 to 805 already implemented in the function. But Im foreign to the command of for loop.
Anyone can help? Will greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

Best Answer

You may be able to avoid the for loop altogether and just pass in a vector of the values from 765 to 805. This should work since your code is already set for element wise operations (due to the presence of the periods). Try the following
stepSize = 5;
x = 765:stepSize:805;
y = 42;
wavelengths = test(x,y);
We initialize x to be a vector that starts at 765, has a step size of 5, and ends at 805, which is just
x =
765 770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805
You should be able to adapt the above for variable step sizes.