MATLAB: How to create a dataset of the own to be used in nprtool (neural network toolbox)

neural networksnprtool

I have 5 classes of images each contains at least 10 images, I extract 9 features from this images and represent features of each class of images in a matrix (example: 10×9 matrix – class1).. Still in variables in my script of the GUI program of my own too.
So how could I input this dataset to the neural network toolbox and to be used in the nprtool?
Also I'm sorry but I really didn't get it, Is it used for clustering so it clasture all the dataset into classes after all or classifier so if I trained it and input a new image features it classify it according to its class.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

For classification use patternnet with
[ I N ] = size(input) % [ 9 50 ]
[ O N ] = size(target) % [ 5 50 ]
% Columns of target are columns of eye(5); e.g., repmat(eye(5),1,10)
For documentation
help patternnet
doc patternnet
Hope this helps.
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