MATLAB: How to create a customized array and running a counter through it


hello every one , i want to create an array with size A[128×4], which has A[1] consisting of only 128 elements, A[2] consisting of 32 elements, A[3] consisting of 8 elements, A[4] consisting of 2 elements, i want to run a (m = 1:256) bit counter through my array in a way that after filling my 128 elements in A[1] it goes onto fill the A[2] ….. i want to collect my output at from second element from A[4] array, it will be even better if the array shift after receiving a incremental feedback((i.e receiving on feedback as '2' the counter goes to A[2] array, receiving feedback as '3' the counter goes to the A[3] array to it an so on)). kindly guide me with it matlab, thank you.

Best Answer

Store your arrays in a cell array. Loop over the cell array:
A = cell(1,5);
for k = 1:numel(A)
A{k} % access the kth array.
... your code