MATLAB: How to create a custom membership function using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

addmfcustomfunctionsfuzzyFuzzy Logic Toolboxlogicmembership

Membership functions need to follow a specific format in order to be compatible with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Are there any guidelines available in the documentation that can be used for creating custom membership functions?

Best Answer

The following documentation page outlines the steps involved in creating custom membership functions in Fuzzy Logic Toolbox:
For additional examples, look at the membership functions shipped with the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. These functions can be found in your $MATLABROOT\toolbox\fuzzy\fuzzy directory
(where $MATLABROOT is the output of the command matlabroot at the command line).
Note that the functions always end with the letters 'mf' (such as 'gaussmf.m', 'trimf.m' etc).
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