MATLAB: How to create a custom damper component on Simscape

custom damperSimscapesimulinkvehicle simulation

I am trying to create a custom damper for a Quarter of Vehicle Simscape model on Simulink. I am currently using a Force Source and connecting my force signal by means of a Simulink to PS converter. The problem is that I need the deflection velocity calculated by the same model in order to produce a certain damping force. Hence, I run into a Algebraic Loop issue, which I have not been able to resolve.
I would like to create a custom damper if possible, which I could just connect in place of a regular damper on Simscape.
Thank you for the help!!

Best Answer

I assume you have something like this:
Going in and out of Simulink causes the algebraic loop. Instead try using the PS Look-up Table (1D) as in:
Using physical signals and staying within the Simscape network will avoid algebraic loop and should get rid of your problem. Make sure to use data in m/s and N for the PS Look-up table.
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