MATLAB: How to create a cosine filter

cosine filter

i treid to use this code
Nsym = 6; % Filter span in symbol durations
beta = 0.5; % Roll-off factor
sampsPerSym = 8; % Upsampling factor
rcosFlt = comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter(...
'Shape', 'Normal', ...
'RolloffFactor', beta, ...
'FilterSpanInSymbols', Nsym, ...
'OutputSamplesPerSymbol', sampsPerSym)
% Visualize the impulse response
fvtool(rcosFlt, 'Analysis', 'impulse')
but the matlab result is
??? Undefined variable "comm" or class
I hope that my question is clear ,thanks 🙂 >>

Best Answer

Do you have the Communication System Toolbox installed?
That functionality ships with that toolbox.
The Signal Processing Toolbox has functions for raised cosine filtering: rcosdesign()