MATLAB: How to create a context sensitive menu for an object in a figure generated by GUIDE


I have a figure generated by GUIDE. It contains a few axes that I want to be able to copy to the clipboard. I wish to do it by right-clicking on the axes and select a context-sensitive menu that contains 'Copy' as an option.

Best Answer

The attached files "twoaxescontextmenu.fig" and "twoaxescontextmenu.m" created using GUIDE explain how to create a context-sensitive menu on objects in a figure generated using GUIDE. Although, these files are coded to have a context menu to copy an axes in a figure to clipboard or save as JPEG, this can be modified to create any context menu of choice.
Following are the instructions to execute the file:
1. Run the attached files using GUIDE
2. When the figure opens up, it contains two axes, and a drop-down menu corresponding to each axes. To update the axes with a figure of choice, select the desired option from the drop-down menu and click 'Update'.
3. Place the mouse in one of the two axes and right-click. There will be two ptions: 'Copy to Clipboard', and 'Copy to JPG'.
4. Select one of the two options. If 'Copy to JPG' is chosen a new file JPG file is created in the current directory. If 'Copy to Clipboard' is chosen, the axes gets copied to the clipboard.