MATLAB: How to create a bounding box for multiple objects of interest

bounding boxbwboundariescardsdetectionextractionfeaturefeature extractionimageimage analysisimage processingimage processing toolMATLABprocessingrecognitionregionprops

Hello Everyone,
I'm working on a project where my goal is to detect and recognize playing cards, and I'm having trouble creating bounding boxes and extracting them to compare against a template image. For right now, I'm just trying to create a bounding box for three separate cards in an image, although ideally I'd like to for just the corners of the cards. But while creating the bounding boxes I can only get it to work with one of the three cards in my image. I'll supply my code and image, and if anyone could help me any I would greatly appreciate it. For right now it is only working with the first card.
*HERE IS MY CODE***** this is working to create the bounding box for one card. How can I for all three cards? %J is a binary image that's already been processed and using the canny edge detector.
J = Edge;
[B,L] = bwboundaries(J, 'noholes');
figure; imshow(J); hold on;
for k = 1;length(B),
boundary = B{k};

Best Answer

for k = 1;length(B), needs ":" instead of ";"
for k = 1:length(B)