MATLAB: How to create a 3D plot and split the values inside

3d plotsdataMATLABsplit

Let´s say I have 3 coordinates, x,y and z
x goes from 0 to 120 with a step of one
y goes from 0 to 200 with a step of one
z goes from -25 to 25
The values inside vary, for example:
vector = ( x, y , z)
2.5 = ( 10, 22, -5 )
How can I later make divisions on this data based on the value of the vector or values inside the entire matrix.
Something like the image above.

Best Answer

Use logical operations
id = vector > 2.5;
plot3(x(ix),y(ix),z(ix),'.r') % plot only points where vector > 2.5