MATLAB: How to create a 3D array with matrices of unequal dimentions

arrayloopmatrix manipulationmultidimensional

Hi all!
I'm a little stuck here, I have a loop:
for i = 1:length(n)
n_input = n(i)
tjdf = tjdfCoef(q12,q23,n_input,lambda,mu
where the output tjdf is a matrix that has a larger and larger size after each iteration. Is there anyway to put all outputs into a 3D matrix, even though all outputs aren't equal dimension?

Best Answer

No, a 3D array must have the same number of rows and columns for all pages. Use a cell array instead:
tjdf = cell(1, length(n));
for i = 1:length(n)
n_input = n(i)
tjdf{i} = tjdfCoef(q12,q23,n_input,lambda,mu)
Cell arrays are useful, if it is meaningful to access the elements by indices and if the elements have different sizes and/or types.