MATLAB: How to create a 2 x 0 empty cell array variable

empty cell notation

% As a result of help and doc narxnet neural network documentation, I get the following result
[ X, T ] = simplenarx_dataset;
neto = narxnet( 1:2, 1:2, 10 );
[ Xo, Xoi, Aoi, To] = preparets( neto, X, {}, T );
% Name Size Bytes Class
% Aoi 2x0 0 cell
% Now I am curious: What straight forward line command will create a 2 x 0 cell?
% To get a hint, I entered the two commands
>> Aoi , Aoi = Aoi
Aoi = 2×0 empty cell array
Aoi = 2×0 empty cell array
% Again: What straight forward line command will create a 2 x 0 cell ?
E = { ? }, whos E

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